Press and TV

Press and TV

Moscow boasts a number of quality English-language newspapers, entertainment guides and culture reviews. Read on!


The most established English-language papers are the independent Moscow Times and the Moscow News, part of the RIA Novosti group. Grab your copy in your local coffee shop, business centre or read online and keep up to date with what is going on in the city that never sleeps!

  • The Moscow Times
  • Moscow Expat Life - A combination of a 96 page glossy quarterly print magazine and this interactive web-portal which we aim to fill with resources for expatriates living in Moscow or preparing to move to Moscow.

Russia Today is famous the world over as THE English-language channel dealing with happenings in the Motherland and further afield. It is available on cable and digital TV. BBC World and CNN are also widely available by subscribing to a monthly package with certain providers.

Of course, the other option is to watch online. There are number of subscription services that will allow you to watch foreign TV channels online. But please make sure that they work in Russia before parting with any cash!